Finally, my very much longed weekend bag has arrived (as I mentioned in this previous post). The perfect worn out and darkened honey coloured leather handles along with the perfect size did not disappoint me, on the contrary I could not be more happy about it!
I've also made a few check ups just to make sure that this time I really managed to buy myself a real one and not a fake. Unfortunately there are too many fake bags for sale and stopping this illegal production has been one of the main goals of the leading design companies such as Luis Vuitton, Mulberry etc.
Normally these fake bags have all been made under cruel working hours and by child labour. For it is a big and difficult problem to solve but all I can do is to strongly advice you to think twice before you decide to buy that cheap little handbag on a beach in Thailand for example.
I see my bag as an investment for future trips and not to mention an art treasure to leave as an inheritance for my future children / grandchildren. The older they get the more valuable they get. Something worth thinking about.
I've also made a few check ups just to make sure that this time I really managed to buy myself a real one and not a fake. Unfortunately there are too many fake bags for sale and stopping this illegal production has been one of the main goals of the leading design companies such as Luis Vuitton, Mulberry etc.
Normally these fake bags have all been made under cruel working hours and by child labour. For it is a big and difficult problem to solve but all I can do is to strongly advice you to think twice before you decide to buy that cheap little handbag on a beach in Thailand for example.
I see my bag as an investment for future trips and not to mention an art treasure to leave as an inheritance for my future children / grandchildren. The older they get the more valuable they get. Something worth thinking about.
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