Thursday 9 October 2014

Welcome October.

Picture: We heart it

Sorry for the bad update this past week! I've been very busy writing on home exams, driving (I'm aiming to get my driver's license by the end of November), studying, hanging out with friends (lovely chocolate fondue evening at S' place) and last but not least spent time with my love and friends in Stockholm last weekend. More pictures will come up later from these fun days! 

This week's main focus has been yet another home exam, this term we've had four home exams to write and I've done three out of five now, and due date is tomorrow at 12 AM. The time has literally run away and suddenly it's Friday tomorrow! V is coming to Örebro Friday evening and will spend his last weekend here with me. Crazy (!), I can't believe that this is the very last weekend that we will spend here together before I leave for Stockholm in the beginning of November. I remember when we became a couple in the very beginning of my education (february 2012) and how I thought that three years would be such a long time to be apart and now we're so close to the big goal - my graduation! :)

By the way, I have lots to tell you about the graduation ceremony! Hopefully I've have some time later tonight! Now it's time to get ready to start this rainy yet cosy (!) Thursday since my friend M will be heading over here within 30 min. Wish us luck in our writing today! May you all have a great day!