Unfortunately I couldn't head out on a power walk this morning as I'd planned yesterday. Hopefully this heavy rain will be gone by tonight! Anyway I just wanted to tell you guys about a new "hang up" I've had these last two weeks. A healthy snack or light breakfast consisting of cottage cheese and fresh strawberries. Add chopped chocolate pieces and you have a dessert as well! :)
Monday, 25 June 2012
Morning Monday.
Sorry for the bad updates this last week but it's been a long and festive weekend here in Sweden. We celebrated Midsummer's Evening on Friday, V and I spent the evening at L's mother's place in Täby along with her V. Thank you guys for an awesome evening! We didn't go to bed until 3 AM.. ;)
I've also been free from work since the store's been closed during all weekend. A lot of preparations were done last week for today's the official start of the Spring/Summer SALE at Zara. Still I don't believe there will be such a big rush even though today is pay-day but because of our "wet" weather, it's been raining both yesterday and all morning. Luckily I don't start until 2 PM, so I'll have time to prepare lunch at home.
V arrived from Antibes last Friday as well! We've had the best weekend spending time with our friends and with ourselves. We went on a long power walk yesterday, grocery shopping and saw an interesting film called Margin Call (A drama that takes place on an Investment bank before the financial crisis broke out).
Anyway, Monday Morning is finally here meaning the start of a new week! I'll be working very long days until Thursday so we'll see how many updates I'll be able to do, still I'm happy that I've got both Friday and Saturday free! Time for a shower before I'll hit town!
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Sweet Dreams.
Picture: We heart it
So sleepy.. Time for bed! I've got a long day tomorrow, starting work at 8 AM! Sweet dreams!
Monday, 18 June 2012
All you need is Love.
"When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you"
"Fix You" - Coldplay
Great Start.
Picture: Sportamore
Good evening dear readers! I hope you've had a good day? :) I couldn't be happier about how I started the day - my dad and I headed out for one hour long power walk! I also tried a new recipe for a smoothie which turned out to be so good I'm doing it again for tomorrow's breakfast as well!
I spent the afternoon baby sitting two little angels who really made my day ♥ After a long weekend working long hours in town I was happy to spend some time outdoors playing football and other fun activities.
However, I've had a hung up for sport items?! The cool cap from New Era above is one example, I've never really liked them but it's your hair and head's best friend while spending time outdoors during summer. It would be perfect for the daily power walks or the afternoon run.
I've made a list of a few new things I want to add to my sports wardrobe and a pair of running shoes are my top priority right now so the cap will have to wait. It's not easy having a student budget.. :( But I'll sort it out!
I've made a list of a few new things I want to add to my sports wardrobe and a pair of running shoes are my top priority right now so the cap will have to wait. It's not easy having a student budget.. :( But I'll sort it out!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
A List on a Sunday.
Mood: Heavy eyelids due to lack of sleep last night and a tired body & mind
Done: I've had a good breakfast and read a few blogs in the morning
Plans: Work all day until 5:30 PM and hang out with the girls from Örebro!
Looking at: The heavy rain that keeps on falling outside - BIG umbrella
Listening to: Kiss the Rain - Yiruma
Reading: Nothing at the moment, my head feels to tired today
Drinking: I just had a glass of tropical orange juice - delicious!
Eating: Breakfast (check!), still haven't figured out lunch yet..
Best: Last night with my cool colleagues and tonight's hang with the girls
Worst: Feels like a headache is on the road and missing V so much :(
Weather: Heavy grey clouds and nothing but rain
Rainy Sunday.
Picture: We heart it
Good morning! This is exactly how I would like to spend my day today, cuddled up in the sofa underneath a warm blanket and with a great novel in my hands. Although, I'm actually heading for work within one hour. Still, I'd rather work on a day like this rather than on a day with sunshine, plus the salary is the best on Sundays..
It's been raining all morning, and hopefully it will end some time during the day since a few friends and I had planned a pick nick this evening.. Guess it's still going to be way too wet in the grass? :( We'll see what happens. I wish you all a soft Sunday!
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Rise & Shine.
Good morning, I trust you all slept well? :) I slept like a little bear last night and still I'm feeling a bit tired, therefore no power walk this morning. Anyway, I'm happy it's a new day and looking forward to tonight's "hang" with some friends from work. Time to get ready and jump into the shower and get ready for work, later skaters!
Friday, 15 June 2012
Sweet Dreams.
Picture: Engla's Showroom
Imagine to be able to fall asleep in a bed like this? Truly it would be like a dream come true. Dream with the angels that watch over you ♥
Back to Business.
Today was my second day at the Spanish clothing company Zara, the flagship store located in the heart of Stockholm. As some of you already might know I worked there for about two years before moving to Örebro. I'm happy to be back over the summer and to be able to work & hang out with so many great people! Truly I've missed them all!
Still, I'd seem to have forgotten how truly demanding the job really is. My poor feet and legs which haven't been used to be running up and down in stairs, carrying 25 pair of jeans and other clothes and items are in chock right now..
You have no idea how badly they need a massage, hopefully I'll manage without it for tomorrow awaits yet another long day and Sunday as well. Call me crazy but I've actually signed up for a full time schedule the entire July and August. I've realized that I really need a new pair of shoes to work in too if I'm going to "survive" the summer ;)
Anyway time to get ready for bed, I was hoping to get up early and head out for a power walk before work but it all depends on how my feet feel tomorrow morning. Sweet dreams!
Anyway time to get ready for bed, I was hoping to get up early and head out for a power walk before work but it all depends on how my feet feel tomorrow morning. Sweet dreams!
Boob Length.
Picture: luce-delsole
I realized just this morning when I was combing my hair how long it's gotten! Ever since I was a little girl I've always wanted to have long angelic hair. For some reason it never grew out previously, I remember how many times I cried over the fact that it never got long enough.
Still, something has changed and now it grows like never before and I couldn't be more happier about it! The goal is to have "boob length", we'll see how long it will take to get me there. Maybe I'll have it by the end of the summer? Yay!
Still, something has changed and now it grows like never before and I couldn't be more happier about it! The goal is to have "boob length", we'll see how long it will take to get me there. Maybe I'll have it by the end of the summer? Yay!
Thursday, 14 June 2012
"Saknaden är som störst när den varma sommarnatten går mot sitt slut och skymningen faller. Ett stjärnfall av kärlek träder fram i skyn och öppnar himlavalvets oändliga galler. Ett brustet hjärta är släppt fri och flyger över kontinenten i hopp om att återförenas med sin andra halva. Styrkan kan de endast finna hos varandra ty de är varandras motsatser och den inre viljan är deras helande salva." - Liv
Faktumet att du ofta läser mig som en öppen bok skrämmer mig ibland. Jag vet att jag kan vara förutsägbar via min ansiktsuttryck och tonlägen i hur jag talar. Dock finns det en sak som fascinerar mig, jag slutar aldrig att förundras över hur väl du känner mig och jag dig. Även fast jag inte säger vissa saker så har du redan förutsett det att en specifik tanke rymmer mitt hjärta och sinne.
Älskade V, ingen förstår och kan läsa mig som Du gör. Du gör min dag och jag är så lycklig att det blev Du & Jag! Du är det absolut finaste och dyrbaraste jag har, en oändlig kärlek som jag önskar ha kvar. Jag älskar Dig V, önskar att det fanns tillräckligt med ansiktsuttryck, ord och symboler för att visa min kärlek, tillit och känsla av trygghet jag upplever när jag är med Dig. ♥
Picture: We heart it
Crazy, it's Midsummer within less than one week! The turning point when summer ends and we'll be heading towards a new autumn/winter season. Some of you who might have followed me for a while are probably very well aware of how much I love autumn ;) Still, I must say that this year's summer has been pretty great so far as well!
Hopefully I'll be able to make my own Midsummer flower crown as seen above. It takes a lot of flowers but also a special technique, that is how to bind them together. More info about that later! Time for a quick shower before I'll be off to town! I wish you all a Terrific Thursday!
A List on a Thursday.
Mood: Nothing but smiles, thanks to a free morning and a good night's sleep!
Done: I've had a long breakfast and made a few calls during the morning
Plans: No work until 3 PM this afternoon, so I'll be reading and enjoy the day!
Looking at: The weather outdoors, sunny yet a bit windy
Listening to: Adiemus - Karl Jenkins
Reading: Nothing at the moment but I'll begin my summer reading today!
Drinking: I just had a glass of (light) elder berry juice for breakfast
Eating: A fruit salad consisting of apple, banana, orange & strawberries
Best: Free from work tomorrow, I am looking forward to spend a day in the sun!
Worst: Miss my love ♥ I hope you're having a good time in Antibes!
Plans: No work until 3 PM this afternoon, so I'll be reading and enjoy the day!
Looking at: The weather outdoors, sunny yet a bit windy
Listening to: Adiemus - Karl Jenkins
Reading: Nothing at the moment but I'll begin my summer reading today!
Drinking: I just had a glass of (light) elder berry juice for breakfast
Eating: A fruit salad consisting of apple, banana, orange & strawberries
Best: Free from work tomorrow, I am looking forward to spend a day in the sun!
Worst: Miss my love ♥ I hope you're having a good time in Antibes!
Weather: Sunshine yet there are a few clouds coming up
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Snow White and the Huntsman.
Tonight's film that V and I are planning to see! This is the official trailer, it looks stunning to me! I'll tell you later what I thought about it.
Sunny Saturday.
I woke up to the sound of smattering rain on our bedroom window and yet when I look outside now I see nothing but sunshine! I'm glad it turned around. Anyway today's been a rather soft day so far, I've finally had time to unpack my huge suitcases and I'm finally settling in here in V's apartment.
I'm also working my first shift this summer at Zara tomorrow, looking forward to meet all the former colleagues! Tomorrow is also a special day as V & I are celebrating four months together as a couple! Still, it feels like we've been together for a much longer time, maybe it's because we've known each other for a long time.
Anyway, we celebrated it yesterday evening with a delicious home cooked meal (made by V!) and fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate for dessert. Amazing evening, thank you again my love for surprising me with such beautiful roses and romantic evening ♥ I love you more than anything in the world! Time to get ready and hit the town! I wish you all a great evening!
Anyway, we celebrated it yesterday evening with a delicious home cooked meal (made by V!) and fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate for dessert. Amazing evening, thank you again my love for surprising me with such beautiful roses and romantic evening ♥ I love you more than anything in the world! Time to get ready and hit the town! I wish you all a great evening!
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Northern Light.
Picture: We heart it
"... May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm ..."
Secret Garden - Sleep Song
To guide each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm ..."
Secret Garden - Sleep Song
Back on the Sunny Side.
Good evening dear readers! Sorry for the bad updates this last week but I've been busy moving (!), yes I'm back in Stockholm and this time for the entire summer! Looking forward to all the cosy summer nights with family & friends here.
Besides that I've also started working at my first summer job at a pre school close to my parent's house. I've been working there before and so it's good to see how much all the children have grown, truly I have missed the little ones. My next job will be at Zara during july and august and yes I'm also looking forward to hang out with the amazing girls working their, fantastic colleagues that I've also missed so much!
Crazy, it's Friday tomorrow still, it feels like it was Monday just yesterday?! Well, I guess time really does fly while you're having fun..! I've got a feeling that this year's summer will be a good one! As long as it won't be over too fast..
Friday, 1 June 2012
Tomorrow is the BIG day, I'll be writing my last exam for this term and I can't tell you all the nerves I'm struggling with right now. I've been studying almost all afternoon and just got back from some chill time at M's place with the rest of the crew. Oh boy, we'll see how it goes tomorrow, please cross your fingers and toes for me would you? ♥
It also means that tomorrow is my last day at Uni, I'll be heading to Stockholm on Sunday and stay there over the summer. We talked about it today and it seems like I'm not the only one who longs after family and friends in the hometown. I long to see my family members on Sunday and V on Monday afternoon! Oh, I just want this summer to start now..! I really do miss my beloved ones. 11 more hours and then freedom!!
You made it!
Picture: Private - collage made by me
On the 30th of May (Wednesday) my youngest brother finally graduated! It was a day filled of joy and laughter, my family, friends and guests at our house had a great time. I'm so happy I made it to Stockholm to be able to be a part of his big day! Above are a few pictures that I took during the day.
I hope you had a fantastic day B and that you truly enjoyed all the attention ;) Love you so much! Just like I said in the speech, I'll always be here for you ♥
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