Friday, 30 September 2011


After working two full days in a row my body feels completely worn out. An awful ache has reappeared in my back and my left foot also appears to be injured. I've had to put out too much stress this week and so I'm thrilled to be having a free weekend! Hopefully I'll have time to try to recover myself.

Anyway enough complaints ;) I'm happy to be having a calm evening in order to rest and so I'll turn into bed soon. Fun adventures awaits tomorrow with A, so I better recharge my batteries. Dream with angels that are watching over you.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Born to be Wild.

Picture: We heart it

I'm so looking forward to this weekend's great adventures! Click here to find out more about the place where I'm heading. The cute picture above is a "hint" ;) More info & pictures will come up later after the weekend so stay tuned!

Tonight's Quote.

"You may not be her first, her last or her only. She loved before, she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can.

She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there." Bob Marley

Terrific Tuesday.

Picture: Private - taken by me with my iPhone

Good morning sunshine! I trust you all slept well? All I can say is that I fell asleep and woke up with a great smile upon my face. For some reason I've got a good feeling that today's going to be a Terrific Tuesday?! :) Time to get ready for today's adventures, I wish you all a beautiful day!

Monday, 26 September 2011


Hur kan man aldrig tröttna på någons doft, på någons ständiga närvaro och på all den kärlek som detta hjärta vill ge?

När jag tänker tillbaka på den första kvällen vi träffades slår det mig att det hängde en spänning och magisk känsla i luften, precis den känslan som man bara upplever på film. Regnet slog ner bara sekunderna efter att vi sagt "hej!" och mitt hår blev så där vågigt och blött. Det fattades bara att han skulle placera en varm hand om min midja, men å andra sidan hade vi precis mötts.

Sekunderna, timmarna, dagarna, ja till och med veckorna har gått i ett och det är inte förrän nu som jag inser att jag hittat något jag aldrig sett förut. Det genuina. Ett omtänksamt hjärta och en personlighet vars oemotståndliga charm fått mig på fall. En personlighet vars utstrålning inger förtroende och respekt. En trygg famn som gett mig en inre balans.

"Ofta händer stora ting vid de tillfällen då man minst anar det". Plötsligt fann jag detta underbara som nu ligger i mitt bröst och gror. En natt i september. I en man vars klara ögon som fick mig att aldrig vilja flytta huvudet från hans bröst där vi låg och delade allt det där man aldrig riktigt delar med någon annan. Och ja, jag kysste honom som jag aldrig gjort med någon annan. Trots att jag egentligen inte alls hade några planer på att känna något för någon alls.

Det var i honom jag hittade den där balansen. I famnen som höll mig hårt, på riktigt. Tillräckligt hårt för att jag inte skulle kunna rymma men tillräckligt lätt för att kunna andas. Lycka.

The Best Season.

Picture: We heart it

Friday, 23 September 2011


Mood: Despite the fact I'm a little tired I know today will be a fun Friday!
Done: I just finished a long breakfast, read a few e-mails and paid my bills
Meeting at SATS with my PT & later appointment at my hair dresser
Looking at: My laptop's screen + blue sky outside my bedroom window
Listening to: Brad Paisley feat. Alison Krauss - Whiskey Lullaby
Reading: This week's "to-do" notes pasted on my desk
Drinking: Nothing at the moment
Eating: I just ate breakfast, I'll do a smoothie later before lunch
Best: K's Birthday party tonight with all my girl's from work, dance dance!
Worst: My aches from last night's training session with my PT.. ouch!
Weather: Nothing but a clear blue sky, cool temperatures = warm coat

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Keith Urban - "Somebody Like You".

Today's most played song. Enjoy!

Nothing but Smiles.

Today is one of those days when nothing seems to be impossible, positive thoughts circulate inside the head and with a cheerful heart one can overcome any obstacle. I apologize for the gloomy posts that may have showed up recently but there will be no more similar posts. From now on I'll focus on all the fun happenings this fall!

Suddenly it strikes you and it often does when you least expect it. The warm and fuzzy feeling that lightens every heart. It's all about the four lettered word: Love. Everything still feels very dizzy yet I've got a great feeling about this deep within. My friends have already noticed it, nowadays I wear nothing but smiles on my face. I think I've been literally carried away. I'm just so h a p p y

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

What to Wear.

Picture: Collage made by me, see list of items below (click to enlarge!)

As I mentioned in the previous post my friend's birthday dinner is set on Friday this week and I realised that I have nothing to wear. Obviously I have a few old dresses but I'd like to have something new! I saw these two beautiful pieces at work a couple of weeks ago and I love the dressy yet sexy cut of both dresses.

The secret is to keep it simple, a pair of elegant shoes and a cool bag is all you need! I'm thinking fixed blonde curls in my hair and a pair of red lips - after that I'm ready to go ;) For more info about the products from Zara click on the links below!

Black pumps
Leopard printed handbag
Black V-back dress
Black full length dress with side slits

Back to Basics.

My friend M & I have booked a meeting with a PT (personal trainer) at SATS on Thursday this week in order to get back to the work out routines we had during Spring/Summer. I must admit that I've been really lazy these last two months and I definitely feel more tired now than I used to. Hopefully he/she will give us some good advice on both new exercises & eating habits ;)

Anyway I had a fun yet intense weekend with lots of working hours and I did manage to squeeze in some quality time with A. There is a lot of fun happenings this week as well, besides work I'll be attending a cool opening of a new Monki store at Hamngatan in Stockholm on Thursday evening and celebrating one of my best friends K's birthday on Friday.

I have also booked an appointment at the hairdresser so hopefully I'll get rid off a few cm of the long (!) yet worn out lengths. It seems to me that I'll stay blonde this season as well so no red-head. Enough said, I wish you all a wonderful Tuesday!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Warm. Wonderful. Woolrich.

Picture: Private - taken by me with my iPhone

I completely forgot to show you what arrived earlier this week! My warm, wonderful, Woolrich jacket! Honestly I'm so happy about it since it lived up to all my expectations and so I'm looking forward to a warm and cosy winter.

The jacket is true to its size, I'm normally size M so it fits perfectly even with a cashmere sweater underneath. Not to mention the perfect cut, fit & fuzzy fur which I absolutely adore. Yes this can be one of the best bargains this year, for sure. Welcome Winter, I'm waiting for you since I'm ready now! ;)

Friday, 16 September 2011

Did I make the right Choice?

I've come to realize that time may heal wounds but there will always be certain memories that will remain. Scars, invisible to the eye yet existing deep inside not to mention the aching pain.

I didn't think that my heart could still be so vulnerable after been given so much time to heal. I wish there was a way to get stronger deep inside and that I could ignore all that I feel.

I never thought that my body & soul could possibly react this way only by hearing His voice. Not after all these years, not now when I've finally been able to accept him as nothing but a dear friend and when I finally managed to convince myself that letting Him go was the right choice...

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Don't forget to Smile.

Picture: We heart it

First Autumn Trip Booked.

I completely forgot to tell you about an amazing trip my good friend and colleague from work, M and I have booked in late October this year. Apparently her aunt runs a big estate on a small island called Bornholm in the southern parts of Sweden. Their family have horses, dogs, cats and all different kinds of animals.

Since both M and I have been horseback riding for many years we thought it to be a fun idea to visit her aunt and spend a few days outdoors. I'm sure we will enjoy the fresh air not to mention all the riding in the breathtaking environment. Still I must admit that I haven't been near a horse since my accident a couple of years ago so I'm sure I'll be nervous but if I manage to overcome the fear I'll be so proud of myself. So this time I'm going to do it, I just have to!

We'll be off my the 18th of October and get back on the 23rd so it's only just a few days but it will be so worth it! I'm glad to have booked the first autumn trip this year. Hopefully London or Ireland will be next in line ;)

Change is in the Air.

Picture: Found through Google

If only I'd dared, I'd go Red this Autumn.
Kirsten Dunst looks absolutely fabulous in this colour!

Autumn & Sunshine.

Mood: Nothing but smiles due to the beautiful weather outdoors
Done: I just finished a long breakfast, read a few e-mails and read a few blogs
Finish organizing my huge pile of important papers, walk in town later
Looking at: My laptop's screen + blue sky outside my bedroom window
Listening to: Joaquin Phoenix feat. Reese Witherspoon - It Ain't Me Babe
Reading: Nothing at the moment
Drinking: Orange juice, darn I should have made some hot tea instead
Eating: I just ate breakfast, I'll do a fresh tuna salad with eggs for lunch
Best: Friday evening, girl's night with my friends from work, K's back in town!
Worst: I haven't been at the gym for ages.. Tomorrow I'll be back in the game ;)
Weather: Sunshine but with cooler temperatures = perfect day for a walk!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Happy Wednesday.

Picture: We heart it

God day to you all! I hope you've had a great start of this Wednesday. I couldn't have had a better morning and now I'm celebrating this beautiful day by making myself some delicious pancakes as seen on the picture above. Nom nom..! I'm not complaining that's for sure.. ;)

Anyway I'll be heading off towards town for some fun adventures later tonight so I thought of taking a little "siesta" and sleep one hour or two since I had to get up really early this morning *yawn*. I wish you all a Happy Wednesday! Later skaters!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Candle Lights.

I'm all curled up in my bed with a great novel in my hands, looking at the two candles that are burning on my desk and listening to the strong winds outdoors. Oh my, will I be able to sleep tonight..? It's a bit frightening to think about how strong and powerful nature can be.

Anyway you might have noticed that I changed the layout here today? Is it a keeper? I was thinking about changing to something darker, to match the season and all but I don't know if I like the black background, it feels to "dark" somehow.. I'll leave it this way until I get another idea.

Today's Tip.

Picture: Collage made by me, see list below for each item

Only a few days ago I made this autumn inspired collage where I wrote about this beautiful bag by American designer Proenza Schouler (see the first picture in the top left corner).

The other day when I was heading home after work I walked in to one of the small bag shops at Drottninggatan, Stockholm and I saw two bags that looked identical to the ones by the American designs! Can you guess which bags costs €1,865 each respectively €149? The black one in the left corner is absolutely stunning IRL.. An early Christmas gift? ;) This is today's tip!

Correct answers:
Nr 1 from the top left corner: Proenza Schouler, Medium calf hair satchel €1,865
Nr 2 from the top right corner: Don Donna (Accent) leather handbag €149
Nr 3 from the bottom left corner: Don Donna (Accent) leather handbag €149
Nr 4 from the right corner: Proenza Schouler, Large leather satchel €1,695


Good morning rockstars, I trust you all slept well? I sure did and woke up remembering a dream from last night. For some of you that have been reading my blog for a while probably remember I'm a true Christmas junkie.

So of course I had an early dream about Christmas.. :) I dreamt about the first snow and that I spent an entire day outdoors fooling around with my friends. When I opened my eyes this morning I had to take a look outdoors from my bedroom window, only I discovered that there were no snow outdoors, at least not yet. How I long for it though!

Apparently there's a big storm coming up, my brother mentioned something about it during breakfast this morning. I can actually hear the wind blowing and getting stronger right now. A bit scary actually but I'm glad I'll be spending the day indoors. What are your plans for today?

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Welcome Winter.

Picture: Woolrich / Artic Parka

Don't worry it's not that cold yet ;) But what I wanted to say with the title for this post is that I'm ready for the upcoming winter season. I've been looking for a warm jacket to wear these cold months that are to come now that my old North Face jacket is completely worn out but also too small for me.

After searching and trying out different models I finally found the one above from the American brand Woolrich. It's light and very warm while it also has a feminine cut. Another problem with my old jacket is that it's to short for now me so I wanted to have a jacket which I can be able to sit outdoors without freezing my but off. As you can see on the picture above this jacket is a bit longer which keeps you warm around the hips and bottom.

I ordered a black one since it's easy to match with everything and hopefully it will arrive some time during next week. I'll let you know if it is true to its size and my thoughts about it in general. As soon as I have it at home I'll be happy to receive some snow any day ;)

Friday, 9 September 2011

NY Fashion Week.

All the great fashion designers, models and other people working within the fashion industry can now be located in New York as the NY Fashion Week began yesterday on the 8th of September. This time talented artists (designers) will be showing their collections for Spring/Summer of 2012.

I am so looking forward to see the videos from the shows through and all the amazing pictures taken by professional photographers. For this is a major event and as always its a very busy and important time for the different fashion houses to show the rest of the world what they've got for the next upcoming season. One always have to be one step ahead.

Anyway I'm going to make some popcorn now and try to watch a movie and just rest since my cold is a lot worse now than what it was yesterday :/ Enough said about that, talk to you later. Hope you will all have a great Friday evening!

Fun Friday.

Picture: Private - taken by my friend M with my iPhone @ Kåken, Stockholm

Last night I went to a new bar/club called Kåken located in the central parts of Stockholm. It turned out to be a big hit, me and my friends had a great time the entire evening! A popular Swedish artist, Adam Tensta played a few songs and we kept dancing all night long..

Anyway I'm glad its Friday and that I can recover from last night's crazy adventures :) So tonight I'm just going to study maybe watch a movie at home and have an early night since I'm working tomorrow at 9 AM. Time for some lunch, later skaters!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Sweet Dreams.

Wow it's been such a long day today.. I woke up at 5 AM since I had to work between 7-10 AM.. After that I've been literally "dead" all day due to this awful cold of mine. I remember how a friend of mine made a comment about me being ill very often, and that was not too long ago. Horrible and I absolutely need to do something about it immediately, C-vitamins anyone?

Hopefully that might help but I also need to get some rest. So this is all for me today, may you all have a good day/night depending on what time it is at your place right now. Sweet dreams ♥

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Midnight in Paris.

Picture: We heart it

Surprise me when I least expect it. Use your imagination and I'm sure it will be great hit. Most people would think of flowers and yes that is a thoughtful gift. But why not do something completely unexpected such as experiencing one midnight in Paris, as long as you packed me a little kit.

For as long as your idea is creative or personal a grateful and happy smile will be the best reward. Everyone needs to feel appreciated every once in a while, people show each other love in different kinds of ways where I know I would love to hear music and a few simple chords.

Surprise me when I least expect it. Call me a dreamer but I'm still hoping that someone one day might surprise me by taking me on a short trip to the city of love, I would forever admire his spirit. Not only for the surprise itself but also for planning the trip, I'm absolutely positive any lady would love it.

Remember it can be anything a small note with a cute message, a home cooked dinner or a smaller trip, the important thing is that it comes directly from the heart.
Don't forget that part.

Tired Tuesday.

Mood: Grumpy due to last night's bad sleep, my throat was "killing me"..
Done: I just finished a long breakfast, I will drink hot tea with ginger all day
Study, maybe hang out with P later tonight if I'll feel better later
Looking at: My laptop's screen
Listening to: James Morrison - I'll Be Seeing You
Reading: Nothing at the moment but I'll dig in my books later
Drinking: Hot cup of tea with honey & ginger + Echinagard from the pharmacy
Eating: I just ate breakfast but I'm thinking about making burgers for lunch
Best: Fun happenings on Thursday & Birthday party/dinner on Saturday
Worst: My cold that seems to be here and I really tried not to get sick..
Weather: Sunshine but with cooler temperatures = leather jacket! (check)

Monday, 5 September 2011

Je voudrais.

Picture: Collage made by me, see list below for each item

To be honest I don't think that my style has changed a bit, I came to this conclusion as I read this old post written in August last year. I'm still longing for the perfect beige classic duffel, it seems to me that this one may be worth taking a closer look at! Other than that I'm a lot into brown as you can see ;) The boots and bag are absolutely to die for! Not to mention the cute hat & notebook.

Beige Duffle
Chocolate coloured Boots
Snow white knitted hat
Red notebook
Snow white knitted scarf
Cognac coloured handbag

Marvellous Monday.

A new week has arrived with new goals & missions to fulfil. I must admit that I had a bit of a slow start today but that's okay I'll catch up later ;) At least I've had a lovely morning without stress..

Apparently we are to expect some heavy showers in my area later this evening, so I better jump in my Hunter boots and bring an umbrella just in case it would decide to come earlier! With this said I better get ready, I wish you all a great start of the new week!

Inspired by America's Sweetheart.

What can I say, I absolutely love the new campaign that Swedish Lindex have done named "Get the Look - California Denim". Not only for the bohemian, colourful, classic, simple yet comfortable pieces with influences from the 70's. Also because they have chosen one of my personal favourite actresses, Reese Witherspoon also known to be America's Sweetheart.

I'll definitely have a closer look at some of the pieces. The perfect black hat as seen above and the skinny blue jeans + flare jeans look amazing! We'll see if I have some time this week..

Saturday, 3 September 2011

A moment in Harmony.

In the darkest hour one can find me surrounded by candle lights, day dreaming, thinking and typing down thoughts and what ever crosses my mind. Recent events compete with previous memories that sometimes are left far behind.

For I believe that the heart & soul need time for reflection in order to cope with everyday challenges, dilemmas and other issues. If one decides to ignore the troubled thoughts that may occur during the day it will become too hard to handle after a while and therefore instead demand one too many tissues.

Do not forget to breath, not just one quick breath but at least three deep ones in order to feel the balance deep within. It will be noticeable for others in the way you act towards others, no more mood swings and not to mention in your face expressions and skin.

Make some quality time for yourself, to dream, think or whatever thing that makes you relax. If I could, I know I would send this message to all of you who have a fax. Sleep tight & dream with the angels that are watching over you and your beloved ones.

Today's Song.

"Bring Him Home" - Les Misérables - Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson

True Talents. For this is the type of music that makes me feel inspired & keeps my writing going. I've lost track of how many songs I've listened to by Jon Schmidt, one can say he is one of my biggest idols and I should love to meet him one day..

The thought of seeing him live gives me goose bumps and I'm positive I would enjoy every second of it. Cross your fingers for me and we'll see what happens :)

Autumn List of 2011.

Style: Bohemian influences á la 70's meets a more preppy and traditional British look with my favourite tailored tweed blazer along with other comfortable yet elegant garment. I love to mix the different styles depending on what mood I'm in and on the occasion.

Colours: I believe that colours such as creme, cognac, chocolate, beige (yes I've become a big fan of the brown colour) blue, gold and white will dominate my wardrobe. I'm trying not to invest in more black clothes since it becomes such a hard contrast to a winter pale skin like mine.

Materials: Cashmere, jeans, lace, leather, silk & súede. Knitted & soft cardigans & sweaters must be updated. For those are perfect when it will get cooler & for the long winter.

Tops: Cotton & silk blouses in both neutral colours such as snow white & beige but also coloured checked ones will do for the bohemian look. I'm also planning on investing well fitted basic tees in a good quality for everyday use.

I long to wear cosy & irresistible cable knits from cool heritage brands that will go perfect with a blue pair of jeans (both slim and flare) and warm boots. Dresses with long sleeve that can be combined with rock inspired boots in order to cut off the "cuteness" and I'd probably wear a leather jacket or a vintage fur vest on top.

Down below: Skinny jeans and flare jeans, coloured jeans (red & grey - check!), a black leather skirt would be cool as a contrast to the preppy style!

Jackets: Leather jackets (red, beige, chocolate brown - I only need a black one to complete my collection!) ;) I will most likely use my fake fur jacket that I bought last year, love it! However I'm hoping to find a really warm winter jacket since my old North Face is ready to throw away. Luckily there are a few good alternatives (Acne, Boomerang, Marc O'Polo, Woolrich)

Shoes: Short boots, tall boots and black overknee boots will be used frequently.

Accessories: Pearl earrings, personal golden pendants & chains, bohemian hats & cashmere scarves, warm leather gloves & braided leather belts

At work/school: Well at work I have to wear a black uniform but I always wear my personal jewellery. What's important for me is that I can feel comfortable, warm yet classy/elegant.

Party: A black lace dress + boots/heels in a bright colour or perhaps a full length dress (I know Zara has this beautiful piece which is to die for!), I'm definitely going to start using coloured lips more often and I've found a perfect red one for party occasions ;)

Top three on the shopping list: Blue jeans with flare legs (bohemian style), cosy knits & warm winter jacket are my top priority right now!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Last night.

Picture: Private pictures taken with my iPhone @ Oskar Linnros, Gröna Lund

K & I acting silly while we were waiting for the artist to enter the big stage. It was so crowded, luckily we did manage to get a great spot. We had the best evening with lots of fun entertainment, ice cream and each others company of course ;) Thank you darling for an amazing evening!


Good morning rockstars, I hope you are happy over the fact that it's Friday! I woke up with an awful heavy headache this morning, guess last night's concert perhaps was a little bit too loud.. Anyway it was worth it, K & I had so much fun! The artist Oskar Linnros totally lived up to my expectations, he was great live and held an amazing show.

Actually I just got out of bed since I simply could not get up early with this heavy head of mine. Luckily I'm feeling a lot better now but I've decided to rest during the day in order to cope with tonight's happenings. Surely you will hear more about it tomorrow..

Anyway, guess it's time to start this new day. I have some pictures from last night that will pop up here later so stay tuned! Other than that I would like to wish you all a fantastic Friday!

Thursday, 1 September 2011