Friday, 27 May 2011

Visitors from Växjö.

Finally Friday! I have some friends coming up from Växjö today and they will be staying here over the weekend so I'm prepared to act like their tour guide today and tomorrow. It will be so much fun!

My plans sofar is to introduce them to the best Thai restaurant here in Stockholm, where I went to celebrate my work colleague R and my younger brother E when he turned 21 a few weeks ago. Anyway their food is great and I absolutely love the place so if you're here you should pay it a visit!

After dinner we'll meet up with some friends from work and probably head out to down town. Anyway I'm sure we'll have an epic evening :) Time to go now I'm heading towards the gym, I wish you all a fun Friday!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Black or Blue.

Picture: Collage made by me (pictures borrowed from Acne, Engla's Showroom & Sofi's Snapshots) Click to enlarge!

When I first saw this beautiful Denim dress from the Swedish fashion house of Acne I thought that this could be the perfect summer dress to wear day & night.

Only a few months ago I saw it on one of my favourite Swedish fashion editors Sofi Fahrman while she was away on vacation. More recently I also saw it in one of the biggest and most popular fashion blogs written by the beautiful mom Engla in her blog Engla's Showroom. They both look amazing in the dress and I must admit that my favourite detail is the braid on the back of the dress.

I'll be heading to one of the stores tomorrow and will try it on. Still I can't decide whether if I should go for the blue denim dress or the black silk dress? If I go with the black one it will probably be more of a night gown and suitable for occasions that acquires an elegant dress code. While the denim dress most likely will be worn on all occasions, day and night? Which one would you go for?

A list on a Tuesday.

Mood: Nothing but smiles, looking forward to Friday ♥
Done: Enjoyed a long breakfast and now I've begun with my studies
Work this afternoon and more hours of studying.. Boring!
Looking at:
My laptop's screen and the windy weather outdoors
Listening to: Nothing yet - most listened tracks on Spotify later
Reading: Notes from class and the essay I'm writing
Drinking: Nothing at the moment
Eating: I just finished breakfast, cereals + fresh strawberries
Best: M and his friends are coming up on Friday - I can't wait! :)
Worst: Big test coming up tomorrow.. But I'll manage somehow
Weather: Very windy and cold? I was hoping for some sunshine

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Redheads Rule.

Picture: Collage made by me - pictures from Rebecca Simonsson for

One of my favourite blogs that I read every day belongs to this hot redhead, Rebecca Simonsson who happens to be an artist, event planner and chief of one of the coolest nightclubs in Stockholm called Hell's Kitchen.

One of the many things I like about her is that she always goes her own way. For example this is not a chic who's afraid to do new changes whether its her hair colour or a very unusual outfit. Recently she became a redhead and I must say that she's never looked better! I absolutely love her hair colour and wish I would dare to do such a fun and radical change.. Thanks to her I get tons of inspiration!

Friday, 20 May 2011

Från och med Du.

Du föll in i mitt liv som en överraskning. En spontan kväll i en charmig småstad väckte alla sinnen till liv då det bjöds på mycket dans och skratt, en oförglömlig kväll som jag aldrig ville skulle ta slut. Det sägs att "kärleken slår till när man minst anar det", plötsligt stod du framför mig utan någon som helst anledning.

Det var då jag insåg att min vän lämnat min sida för andra sociala äventyr. Jag var omringad av dansande själar som tycktes tro att kvällen aldrig någonsin skulle ta slut. Ensam stod jag kvar på utkanten av dansgolvet och kände mig plötsligt som en miniatyr.

Omgivningen var ny men jag var aldrig rädd. Belysningen, musiken och människorna lämnade mig mållös av beundran. Jag iakttog småflickorna som gapade efter pojkarnas uppmärksamhet, ett leende spred sig inombords och för första gången kände jag mig som en erfaren veteran.

Du ingav förtroende och respekt, det var då jag insåg - hos dig är jag trygg. Vi blev presenterade för varandra och jag kom på mig själv stå och iaktta dig i smyg, dina vackra ögon trollband mig på plats och kvar stod jag med ett förvånat och generat uttryck. Varje gång du log under kvällen tänkte jag, "jösses, han är verkligen riktigt snygg!".

Endorfiner spred sig som en löpeld i mitt blod när du varsamt la dina armar om mig. Ett lyckorus, en inre glädje och värme omfamnade min själ, som en båt i en säker hamn ville jag stanna i din trygga famn. Jag hade bara ögon för dig.

Det finns så mycket kvar att göra och se, trots att jag vet exakt hur dina smilgropar träder fram när du ler, hur du alltid lyckas trolla fram ett leende varje gång jag hör din charmiga dialekt och att jag vet vilken nyans dina ögon har. Vår resa slutar inte här för vi har så mycket kvar..

Monday, 16 May 2011

Fun Happenings.

Picture: Private - taken with my iPhone

I am truly so sorry for my absence these last couple of days (weeks?) but I can assure you that I have been occupied with many fun happenings worth telling you about! For example one of my younger brothers E turned 21 years old last Wednesday ♥ (11th of May) and the entire family went out for dinner to celebrate him with the best Thai food served in Stockholm (that is, if you ask for my opinion). Check out Thai Boat for more information!

Another fun evening was spent at The Royal Opera where one of my best friends E & I went to see "La Bohéme" - "Youth, life in the big city, poverty, hope, love – Giacomo Puccini composed his story about the Parisian Bohemians in 1896, but the events could take place anywhere among young people struggling to find a life of their own. In its concentrated realism, this is a very strong modern opera with both humorous and painfully beautiful music." Source.

Other than that I've been busy with work & school. Luckily my last day at school will be on the 27th of May, not that far away and I honestly can't wait to get some free time from studying. Anyway time to prepare some lunch! I wish you all a great day :)

Friday, 6 May 2011


Mållös och förundrad står jag kvar i rummet och ser mig omkring. En positiv kraft klev precis in och av nervositet börjar jag att leka med min ring. De pastellfärgade orkidéerna står bugande vid ena fönsterkarmen och de mahognyfärgade väggarna ger intrycket av att vi befinner oss i en lugn oas långt bort från Stockholms grå kullerstensgator.

Vårt sällskap underhåller varandra med skratt och andra vitsar, jag är omringad av något som känns som ett evigt sorl samtidigt som jag beundrar ditt vita bländande leende. Jag mötte dig när den långa vintern äntligen nått sitt slut och våren var på väg att blomma ut, med ett charmigt skratt och för djupa ögon fångade du min uppmärksamhet och det syntes på mitt beteende. Jag rodnar när jag inser hur lätt det var för dig att läsa av mig, som om jag var en öppen bok.

Jag skulle inte göra någonting ogjort. Det blev en underbar kväll och jag kunde inte låta bli att känna en viss känsla av samhörighet trots att allt gått så fort. Du är och kommer alltid att förbli i mina ögon en sann inspirationskälla, vän och äkta eldsjäl.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

The Sport of Indoor Rock Climbing.

Pictures: Private taken by L & R - Collage made by me (Click to enlarge!)

Yesterday my friend L and his sister R persuaded me to go indoor rock climbing with them. I've never tried out the sport before but it was so much fun! :)

After trying out two different walls I headed for the highest wall.. 20 metres and guess what? I made it all the way up to the top! I even had a few fans (three younger boys that started screaming my name when they heard L & R cheer on me) :)

Truly it was the perfect challenge for myself and I must say in a modest way that I'm proud over my achievement and that I managed to take on the last wall considering it was my first time. Believe me when I say that it wasn't the last one..

Thank you L & R for letting me climb with you and for the fun morning! The adrenaline lasted all day ;) Try it out if you haven't done so, I'm sure you'll love it!

Today's Quote.

Source: We heart it

Monday, 2 May 2011

British Royal Wedding.

Pictures: (collage made by me)

I was so happy that I could stay home last Friday on the 29th of April since that was the official date for the British Royal Wedding between Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine Middleton. The couple glowed the entire day and they truly looked so happy!

There had been many rumours considering which designer would have the honour to design Midleton's dress and in the end the final choice landed on Sarah Burton, head designer for the British fashion house by Alexander McQueen. She look absolutely stunning in that gown and I'm sure that she has opened up for a new "lace" trend for future brides this upcoming year.

Truly they are a very handsome couple and what makes me happy is that they are a very good example of the fact that in the end "True Love Conquers All". Their matrimony lies on a very strong friendship, love and respect towards each other. The way it always should be. May the love between them keep on blooming, today, tomorrow & forever Amor Vincit Omnia

Marvellous May.

Mood: Nothing but smiles, slept like a princess & woke up to sunshine outside
Done: Enjoyed a long breakfast, time to get ready to hit the gym!
Free from school and work today, nice considering the busy weekend ;)
Looking at:
My laptop's screen and the trees that soon will bloom outdoors
Listening to: Nothing yet - most listened tracks on Spotify later
Reading: A few texts that my good friend K sent me last night
Drinking: I just had a glass of water, woke up feeling so thirsty..
Eating: I just finished breakfast, cereals + blueberries *nom nom*
Best: I've got a feeling that it's going to be a great week!
Worst: Big test coming up on thursday and loads of work.. But I'll survive ;)
Weather: Sunshine! Still a bit cooler than it's been the last few weeks

Sunday, 1 May 2011

This is how we Party!

Picture: Private - Collage made by me (Click to enlarge!)

I don't know where to begin but I can honestly say that this weekend has been the best in a very long time! Not only have I had lots of fun at work with my amazing colleagues at work/on the dance floor but also made new acquaintances with wonderful people and listened to jokes that made me burst into tears. Positive souls that has left a mark deep within ♥ :)

Above are a few pictures that were taken on a spontaneous night out (Friday evening) and the birthday celebration of my good friend and colleague R (Saturday evening). I'll let the pictures speak for themselves ;) Most important above all is that we had a great time! Thank you L for planning and organizing the entire evening, it was so much FUN! I hope we'll do it again sometime.

Now time to sleep.. Zzzz.. After less than nine hours of sleep (!) during this weekend I'm truly looking forward to a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams!