Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Stiliga aftonstjärna.

Du föll ner en mörk november natt och spred ljus i mitt dunkla inre valv. Din oemotståndliga charm fick mig på fall, det var som om mitt hjärta skalv.

Din utstrålning ingav förtroende och respekt. En trygg mantel du svept om mitt hjärta, en inre rädsla du äntligen släckt.

Du förde mig in i en ny vintervit värld fylld av omtanke och vänskap. Mina sinnen förundrades av omgivningen och av dess sagolika landskap.

Ditt leende påminde mig om de klara kristallerna i snöängelns ljusa hår. I din närhet spred sig ett rus inom mig och värmde mina små händer, hjärta och tår.

Du föll ner en mörk november natt och spred ett hopp i mitt sinne. Stiliga aftonstjärna, din plats är förevigt säker i mitt minne.

London calling.

Picture: Linn

Picture: Jonna @ glamour

Lately all I've been reading are blogs where the women writing them have fled our cold and dark Stockholm and gone to more attractive and exciting cities around the Europe. I love to travel and to be honest I would love to travel again someday soon!

I just read about Linn who apparently is in London right now, oh beautiful London. Therefore I've decided to plan a weekend somewhere during spring. London would be fun, there are so many things that I did not have time to explore the last time I visited the city. Or perhaps visit the city of love, Paris?

Except my French is very poor and the French aren't that good in English. But we'll see, all I'm longing for now is to pack my weekend bag and get a hold of my passport and exchange environment. Where would you go for the perfect weekend?

Monday, 28 December 2009

Laptop issues solved.

Finally! My brother helped me reinstall my laptop this evening and now everything is working as it should again. Laptop issues officially solved. Previously I was not able to take pictures with my "photo booth" camera and neither transfer photos taken with my iPhone to the laptop. Luckily it's solved.

Marvellous Monday.
I'm officially on vacation this week ;) Well I'm working on Sunday but still I've got six days to enjoy with my family and friends. Tomorrow I'm taking my brothers and mother to town for some shopping. They need warm sweaters and a few other things so I'm happy to tag along and to give them some good advices in their selection of colours etc. We'll see what they'll find.

Sunday, 27 December 2009


Picture: Rihanna in the Balmain jacket

This last month I've been listening a lot to Rihanna's new album "Rated R". Where "Russian Roulette" has become my favourite song. Besides producing great music she also knows how to mix new trends with her own personal style.

For example I love her combination of the gorgeous Balmain jacket, a big silver brooch and the sexy lingerie one can catch a glimpse of while she wears the jacket open. Feminine, independent, rocky, sexy young lady. I'm lovin it!

Anyway I found something that can be seen as an identical "twin" to the Balmain jacket at Zara a few weeks ago. The prize was insurmountable and so I decided to wait for the big SALE. My patience was rewarded when I found the jacket at 40% discount this Saturday, joy!

Besides that I also found a cosy black angora sweater (should be worn as a dress) with 50% discount so I made two great bargains. Hopefully I will be able to take pictures of the items soon, unfortunately I've been having some difficulties with my iPhone and laptop since they refuse to cooperate. We'll see how it ends. Later!

Saturday, 26 December 2009

New beginning. It starts 2010.

Time flies. It really does. When I was standing at work earlier today talking to one of our customers I realized that today's date is the 26th of December. Meaning I will be turning 22 within one month. Crazy.

Anyway since I never had time to write my own "grown-up Christmas list" ;) I thought I'd write a
Birthday list. A few things that I'm hoping to be able to give to myself.

Am I the only one who loves to buy/create and to give gifts to family/friends/people that I know more than to actually receive gifts? I don't know why that is. For as long as I can remember I have always given priority to my family and friends before others and myself.

I love to surprise people and to bring smiles upon their faces. I believe it's all about the thought behind the gift. To buy/make something special and unique that will also bring happy thoughts to the person. In that way the gift becomes personal and it will also be more appreciated than if one just bought something randomly picked in the store.

Even though one carries so much positive love and energy in the heart one must never forget to take care of oneself. I have been very unsuccessful and failed myself more than a dozen times. Therefore I have made myself a list of New Years resolutions.

Within the top ten I have given myself this promise that I shall take care of myself in a better way than I have done before. Body & soul. The list is not long but this is one of the most important vows. Are you planning to write down any New Years resolutions?

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Season's Greetings.

Dear readers,
May the beauty of the season, brighten up your lives and decorate your days with love, smiles and happiness! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With love, Liv

Rockin' Around / Christmas Tree

Finally! The day we've all been waiting for, Christmas Eve! I'm at work right now but I'll end soon. The local stores are open between 10 AM - 2 PM today here in Nacka, nice to have a short day. Anyway the plans for the afternoon are the following;
  • Christmas lunch with the family
  • Watch "Kalle Anka" (Donald Duck - Swedish tradition going way back!)
  • Christmas Eve Choral Prelude and Choral Eucharist at the local church
  • Christmas dinner with the family
  • Call relatives living abroad - Feliz Navidad! God Jul! Merry Christmas!
  • Listen & sing along to Christmas carols
  • Open up Christmas presents
  • Enjoy the rest of the evening with the beloved ones

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.

Picture: ukhomeideas

I've always been very fond of fireplaces. No wonder I fell in love with the picture above ;) I might have removed the big mirror above it though and replaced it with a black & white family portrait. Elegant & simple. Just the way I like it.

I've been searching for a beige/off-white armchair for my bedroom but haven't found "the one" yet. Although I must admit I like the one above (as seen on the picture). Still it might be tricky to have it sent all the way from England to Sweden.. Haha :) Anyway I better keep looking for a more suitable alternative. Later!

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Have I ever.

Have I ever told you how much I adore you? If not, please, let these words come on through. Have I ever told you that I only see optimism in your eyes? Every time I look into your blue eyes my stomach is filled with struggling butterflies.

Have I ever told you how I see you? I see me through your eyes, living through life and flying high. One must not forget to live today and not tomorrow, I really hope you do. Have I ever told you what a truly good friend you are? On my black December sky you are my golden star.

Have I ever told you how happy you make me feel? Sometimes it is hard to believe that this life is real. Have I ever told you how much I adore that special glow in your heart and the way that it makes you stand out in a crowd? I feel lucky to have made this special acquaintance with you, truly I feel proud.

Amazing Avatar.

Picture: patchtan

I can tell that it took 10 years for the famous director James Cameron (the man behind "Titanic") to create this amazing film called "Avatar". I can easily say that this is probably the best film I've seen during these last six months.

It was a "wow experience" that's for sure. Therefore I strongly recommend it to you, go and see it! I'm positive that you will enjoy it too! Time to get ready for work, have a great day!

Friday, 18 December 2009

Beautiful morning.

These last couple of days it's been snowing like crazy in Stockholm. For the first time this week nature is silent. I woke up to the sun's first sunbeams as they caressed my eyelids and let me out of my deep sleep. I also got a text message on my phone and so I realized that it was going to be a beautiful morning.

Besides that it
's finally Friday! Are you doing anything fun for the weekend? I've got a few fun things on my schedule, besides a lot of work I'm going to see the new film "Avatar" tonight with my mother and brother. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with the girls and hopefully Ill be able to spend some quality time with J before he leaves on Tuesday. I better go and get dressed, have a great Friday!

Wednesday, 16 December 2009


Picture: DeviantArt

How could one have a heart and name a child despair? I held the angelic child in my arms and wondered what had gone wrong? My mind went blank as I forced my lungs to inhale fresh air. Someone had left her far behind with nothing but a little note that seemed to be a song.

I could feel her little heart beating against my chest. She never cried, not even once. I stared at the endless black road ahead of us and decided to continue out west. I felt lost and moved slow, hoping, wishing that help would come along with the police force.

Colours seemed to fade away in the endless heat. The trembling trees and the glittering grass turned grey. All I could think of was to be sure that I could feel her little heart beat. I held her close as if she had been a golden key.

Side by side our eyes met the light beams from the sunrise. I felt terrified but I would not leave her. Somebody had to think of the value of her life.

The two most played songs right now.

Possibility - Lykke Li

Exklusive interview with the Swedish princess in ELLE

Picture: ELLE

During this year of 2009 the Swedish royal family have announced two engagements of the eldest daughter Victoria Bernadotte to Daniel Westling and the youngest daughter Madeleine Bernadotte to her Jonas Bergström. Therefore two weddings will be held in Stockholm, Sweden next year (2010)!

In the latest Swedish ELLE magazine the princess Madeleine talks about her fiancé and her work at "World Childhood foundation", founded by Her Majesty Queen Sylvia Bernadotte. I have always been very fond of her and admired her creative work at her mother's foundation. In the interview the princess comments her work by saying, "It's not about the money.. It makes one feel good to do something of significance and to be needed."

You will be able to buy the magazine tomorrow (17th of December) at any local post/magazine stores. I know I will definitely buy one, will you? ;)

Tuesday, 15 December 2009


In this late hour of the day I let my heart rest upon the beautiful flashbacks from yesterday. There was something special about the way you looked at me throughout the evening. Was it the way you gave me compliments or the way you reached out to hold my hand? I simply can not say.

All I know is that last night was about you and me. Our chemistry felt stronger and so it felt as if nothing could come in between. It felt so natural to have those deep conversations with you and that is just how I think it should be.

The more time I spend with you the more I learn how to appreciate to live today and not only to think and plan for tomorrow. I feel inspired every time I hear you talk about your life experiences and obstacles that one may come across throughout life. Suddenly my heart felt light, no signs of distress but most important above all I did not feel any sorrow.

All I can say is that I had a great time and hope that you feel the same way about it too. I will not think about what tomorrow might bring but instead think about today and the great evening that we shared last night. Obviously I'm going to think about you too..

Enchanted Environment.

Pictures: Take by me with my iPhone (!)

"A picture says more than 1000 words". With this quote I'll let the pictures talk for themselves ;) Enjoy!

Snow Angels.

What a beautiful morning! Snowflakes are falling from a grey sky while our garden has been covered by a white blanket over the night. I would love to do snow angels today but have to go to work.

We received 9 huge boxes yesterday with spring news! So I will probably look like a child on Christmas morning opening up her presents while enjoying the soft pastel colours for S/S 2010. Anyway I wish you all a Terrific Tuesday!

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Last weekend.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates during this last weekend that just passed us by. However I thought I'd show you some pictures along with some text to describe what I did so enjoy! :)

I had to work in the late afternoon and close the store but was free after 8 PM. I called L to see whether if the Christmas party was still on but it turned out that she had other plans for the evening so I had to make other plans. I met up with J and his friend A and together we went to the bar called "Skybar" located at Radisson SAS Royal Viking Hotel.

Sorry for the bad picture bad unfortunately I didn't get my iPhone back until Saturday so I could not take any photos. But the text time I will, promise! However, the view was spectacular and I loved the fact that one could see all the lights from the Christmas adornments below glow through the black night. The three of us had a great time and we left with big smiles on our faces.

I had to work during most of the day but in the evening my friend E and I went to see a play called "Chocolate" which was entirely improvised throughout the show. Along with it we were given a small bag containing three pieces of chocolate.

The clown (as seen on the picture above) asked several different questions to three people in the audience (one person for each piece of chocolate) which built up a scene for the actors to play. It was a fun evening even though it was a bit odd I must say. The also had interpreters that participated in the show for the people in the audience that were deaf.

I decided to have a soft Sunday and spend some quality time with my family ♥. We helped out to clean and tidy up our home and ate delicious "lussebullar" (as seen on the picture above).

They belong to our Swedish tradition and we eat them every Christmas or as I did in July earlier this year ;) (I must confess that it is not normal to eat them at any other time than during Christmas but I longed for them and so I decided to bake them). Anyway it's been a long day so I better get some sleep. I hope you had a great weekend :) Sweet dreams.

Friday, 11 December 2009


Thank God it's Friday. No more nightmares and I slept well last night. Luckily I have a short shift today at work so if my cold feels better by the evening I might go to L's Christmas party.

Otherwise I would actually like to go and see a film at the cinema. But we'll see. I've got a feeling that it's going to be a great weekend though ;) Enjoy your Friday!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

I still dream about celebrating Christmas in NY.

Picture: DeviantArt
Oh, what wouldn't I do to be present at the Christmas Rockefeller Centre, New York this Christmas? It would have been a childish dream of mine come true ♥. I won't be there this year but perhaps for Christmas 2010? :)

@ work.

It's been a busy Thursday. People are still buying Christmas presents as I am writing this post (not in my store obviously) :) but still. Anyway I will have to close the store any minute now so I just thought I'd say hi. Talk to you later!

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Lost, yet surrounded.

Picture: DeviantArt

Am I the only one who can hear the misty forest call my name when I am fast asleep? I find myself walking around in circles and soon I have gotten way too deep.

A soft shiver is spread down my spine as the whirling wind catches my hair's light curls. All I can see is an endless sky, where the only hope of light comes from the new moon's reflection on my perfect pearls.

Suddenly I realize that I am lost, yet surrounded. Lost in something that seems to be a never-ending nightmare, surrounded by painful memories that makes me feel haunted.

Feelings that I have feared are spread and burn like a fierce flame inside my heart's secret chamber. The pain makes my trembling throat scream for forgiveness and that is when I loose my temper.

All emotions that I have kept locked up behind bars are suddenly released and so my tears bring my soul down under. I keep praying that someone will take care of all my inner thunder.

Am I the only one who can hear my soul's silence? I cannot put up with any more inner violence. Is this the point when I should hear my heart stop? I wouldn't know.

Beautiful nightmare.

I believe I should try to get some sleep considering that I've got a long day tomorrow. Still this is my confession, I am afraid to close my eyes.

I am afraid that I will have that same beautiful nightmare I have experienced these last couple of days. The only reason for my lack of sleep. I wrote a poem about it on Tuesday morning when I woke up at 3 AM and could not go back to sleep. I will publish it in the next post. Do you have bad dreams?

Beautiful pictures from Barcelona.

Pictures: Taken by me & my uncle (click to enlarge)

1st picture (from the left) - Statue in the city
2nd picture - Art made by my artistic uncle
3rd picture - My cousin and his wife after their wedding
4th picture - One of my favourite statues in Barcelona
5th picture - Me on the tram towards the city

Frank and I say Good morning.

With a hot cup of steaming tea in my hands and Frank Sinatra singing "L-O-V-E" out from my laptop's speakers I have officially started this wonderful Wednesday. For those of you who are awake, good morning!

Luckily the tea seem to have helped my poor throat now that it seems that I have once again been caught with another cold. A small one but still. Anyway I'm sure I'll survive it, I better get going. Have a great day!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

I ♥ Paolo Roversi.

Vogue Italia March 2008. Freja Beha Erichsen by Paolo Roversi.

Feeling creative.

"The Chronicles of Keira" featured in Vogue june 2007 has been hanging on my wall for a while now. I made a collage out of all the fabulous pictures of Keira in Africa taken by the photographer Arthur Elgart in a black and white frame. It made a colourful contrast to my white wall.

The other day I thought of a new idea, to let Keira rest a while and exchange her photos with new ones, pictures that I found in the latest
Harper's Bazaar and Vanity Fair. New breathtaking pictures of the two actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, both seen in the famous "Twilight saga". So this is a new little project of mine which I am hoping to be able to create it some time this week. I promise to show you "before" and "after" pictures ;)

Alexander Wang Pre-Fall 2010

Picture: Style.com

I have always been a big fan of black. Or the combination black & white. It's simple, it's classic & it's elegant. Love it! Anyway when I saw the first pictures from one of my favourite designers, Alexander Wang and his collection for A/W 2010 all I could say was wow!

It's black, it's cool and a masculine seen through a feminine perspective. More black leggings, details such as the shoes with an open toe, several layers, blazers and so much more. Let's just say that there is a lot to look forward too ;)

Last night.

I had a great time last night with all the great chicks working in the Newhouse shops in Stockholm. We met at 6 PM to check the spring/summer collection for 2010 and also the upcoming fall collection. Oh my, so much gorgeous pieces of clothing and believe me when I say "I got a feeling that 2010 is going to be a great year.." ;)

After that we ate a delicious Christmas dinner together along with one or two glasses of wine. We talked, laughed and had a really great time. Thank you girls! It was fu
n to finally meet all the faces I normally talk to over the phone while working. I look forward to the next reunion, which will probably take place next spring.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

"Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer.

Picture: DeviantArt

Finally I've got time to finish reading "Breaking Dawn" the fourth and last novel in the "Twilight saga" written by Stephenie Meyer. I found this beautiful picture and thought I'd say good night before I will fall asleep reading. Sweet dreams

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Over and Out.

I've been up and running almost the entire day, no wonder I'm feeling so tired. Sorry for not being able to update more but work is crazy right now and so I've finally been able to spend time with people who are and who has become important to me ♥. Anyway this is me saying good night. Over and Out.

All I want for Christmas..

I have been searching for a new "evening perfume" and recently found "
Narciso Rodriguez For Her by Narciso Rodriguez" (see picture above).

I read the following about the perfume, "The new modern aroma is aimed at the modern and free woman, who is aware of her sexuality. Popularity of this fragrance (regardless of its unusual composition and a heavy character, and perhaps exactly because of that) is easy to explain because it reflects a desire of every woman to attract and seduce, and this fragrance has openly sexual character." All I can think of is wow!

Within this little black bottle lies a wonderful scent and this can be considered to be a good Christmas gift to your girlfriend/wife. I might buy it to myself as my own Christmas present or else to my upcoming birthday in January. I love it and I can't wait to wear it during all those late and crazy party nights!

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Could it be broken?

Oh my, I've had so many problems with my iPhone lately. My two brothers have tried to solve the problems but with no success. So tomorrow I'm going to an Apple store and hopefully they will know what to do with it. My guess is that it is probably broken.. I guess tomorrow I shall see.

Monday, 30 November 2009

The City.

I have never been that much of a TV-junkie so it feels like I have missed so many great TV-shows? Anyway one that I haven't missed is "The City". I'm waiting for new episodes to come since it feels as if I've almost become addicted to it.

Love the life that they are living, clothing, accessories, hairstyles, make up trends and so much more. I think I will watch an episode from season one before I go to bed. Sweet dreams, sleep tight.

Baked with Love.

I thought I might bake tomorrow. The big event I talked about in the previous post will take place on Saturday/Sunday this week so I thought that it might be fun to do gingerbread hearts with "Newhouse" written on them.

I have to work during the day tomorrow so we'll see if I have time to do it later in the evening. One can decorate them and colour them in so many different ways. I think I might need to look in the kitchen to see if I have everything I need. I'll be back later!

Last weekend.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates during this last weekend. However I thought Idd show you some pictures along with some text to describe what I did so enjoy! :)

I had a day off from work so I enjoyed some quality time with me, myself and I ;) in town to look at the Christmas adornments and do some shopping.

In the afternoon I met up with two of my friends E and E to buy food for the dinner we had planned to cook at my other friend L's apartment. After dinner and some giggle while preparing ourselves for the big night we went to what for me was a new club called "Collage".

Above are two picture I found from the club's website. We danced almost all night but unfortunately I had to leave early because I had to work all day Saturday..

Work, work, work. I spent almost 7 hours at work during the day and to be honest I was a bit tired from the night before. I don't think I slept more than 4,5 hours so no wonder.. Anyway we had plenty of things to do in order to prepare for the big Christmas shopping event all stores look forward to every year.

My colleague and I started to decorate the store with elegant pieces of clothing in this years theme colours; red & white. In the evening I went to the movies with my mother and youngest brother and saw "New Moon" (second time) and I can say that I loved it a little bit more this time.

The photo above was taken in our store only a week ago and in the picture is my boss A and I. This Sunday (6/12-09) we have arranged a small event for our customers to eat Christmas sweets and to shop beautiful Christmas gifts for their beloved ones.

It has become sort of a tradition for me to help some friends to my family every year during Christmas when the family have a small Christmas party normally during the first weekend in December. Therefore they had "booked" me this Sunday to help them serve the guests and other small services that caters normally do. I have helped them these last 4 years so therefore it is more a "tradition" now.

The family and guests had a great time and so did I helping them out. In the evening I went to town to meet my friend J and we talked for hours. After such a good weekend I walked home Sunday night with a big smile on my face. Happy to have such good family and friends. The people that I care about the most ♥.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Rise & shine.

Just thought I'd say good morning, for those of you who are awake ;) I'm heading towards town soon (hairdresser) and afterwards I'm going straight to work.

I wish you all a terrific Thursday!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

New appointment @ the hairdresser.

It's time again. I can't believe it's been three months since I went to the hairdresser the last time. Anyway I managed to get an appointment tomorrow so I'm happy to get my hair done before Christmas. Last time I cut more than 14 cm..! It was a big change but I love the new shorter length which has already reached my shoulders (!). From the beginning it reached the mid part of my back.

Besides that I'm busy all weekend, both during the day and the evening. But I'm looking forward to it so that makes it much easier. Friday it's ladies night out! Something I haven't had for ages. I've missed my gals ♥. Work during Saturday and a cinema visit during the evening with my brother and mother. Busy like a little bee. I better continue tidy up my room. Talk to you later!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Christmas list.

Oh my.. What has honestly happened to our time? I mean it seems as if it keeps running away from us (I know that it is running away from me at least). Next week we are already in December meaning one must start planning for this year's Christmas list.

I think I will try to "brain storm" a few ideas on a piece of paper for each family member and friend in order to get a better "picture" of what one could buy to them. I love this season and every year it seems as if one never have enough time to really enjoy it to the maximum.

Anyway one can only try to do the best of the situation so I have no time to mumble about it, no. I am going to start Christmas tonight by listening to some lovely Christmas tunes sang by my favourite singer through all time, Frank Sinatra. I wish you all a nice day/evening depending on what time it is at your place!

New Moon.

Picture: Source

The "Twilight saga" continues with "New Moon" based on the second novel written by the American author Stephanie Mayer. It's been a while since I read it but I remembered most of the novel while watching the film. The heartbreaking trauma that Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) makes his ex girlfriend Bella Swan (Kristen Stuart) go through when he breaks up with her was pretty intense.

The love is still there though, deep underneath the surface. Bella's friend Jacob tries to replace Edward's place while Bella only wants to them to remain friends. Things get tricky when Jacob confesses his deep feelings for her.

I don't remember how many times I've seen "Twilight" but if I put it in this way: I know every line that is said during the film and I know the time line by heart. I'm hoping to see "New Moon" again this weekend, perhaps on Friday?

I love the novels and not to mention the great actors who have enchanted me with their talents. If you haven't seen it I strongly suggest that you would read the novel first, the novels are always better and they always tell us more than what is possible to learn by watching the film on the cinema screen.

P.S. Don't you just love the poster? I know I do :) D.S.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Troublesome Thursday.

Sorry for the bad update today. As the title says it's been a "Troublesome Thursday". Too many thoughts in my head and I can't seem to get anything right. Luckily tomorrow is Friday! I'm free on Saturday and I'm going to see "New Moon" on the evening, oh I honestly can't wait! Are you going to see it?

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

What I wish I had worn today.

Picture: Collage made by me (Click to enlarge image!)

This would have been a much better outfit for today's ugly weather. I wish I could have worn these beautiful pieces..

Trench coat
Hunter "Wellington boots"
Wool scarf
Wool beret
Leather gloves
Mulberry Bayswater

Wet Wednesday.

I cant believe it, its been raining the entire day today. Talking about a "Wet Wednesday". Unfortunately I forgot my umbrella at work so I had to go out in the rain this morning and it was not nice. Anyway I'm feeling so much better now and all that's left is a small cold, no more fever and no more headache. Yay!

This also means that I won't miss "New Moon" on Saturday. I tried to get tickets for the premier on Friday but the best tickets were sold out 30 minutes after being released on the internet! And the website collapsed.. Oh well Im still glad I could get good tickets for Saturday. Ive been looking forward to it for so long! Are you doing anything fun for the weekend? :)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Magic mirror on the wall.

Picture: Engla's Showroom

I've been thinking about buying a white mirror to the apartment. Since most of our walls are white it would probably look to "hard" with a black one towards all the white space. I saw that Engla bought another white mirror in her office (soon to be walk in closet!) and I must say that I like the simple design of the mirror.

I googled it and found out that it came from Ikea. I have seen another alternative from Gallerix but it is a liittle bit more expensive.. I will try to take a picture of it later tomorrow and hopefully you can help me decide which one I should buy :) I need all advice possible since I am really bad in making up my mind. Time to sleep, sweet dreams.

Early morning.

Good morning to you all. I hope you slept well, let me just say that I didn't :( I've had difficulties sleeping properly lately and I might have to do something about it now since I'm out of energy.

It might be the new bed? It might be the fact that I've been ill all weekend? Anyway Imm of to work soon so I better finish up my breakfast and get dressed. Luckily it's not going to be a long day. Puh. Have a great day everyone!

Monday, 16 November 2009

Great Minds Think Alike.

Picture: Sofis Mode (Sofi's Fashion)

The Twilight saga continues with the world premier of the second film "New Moon", coming up on cinemas next Friday, 20th of November. I have read three out of four novels written by the American author Stephanie Mayer. I can't seem to finish the last novel because I don't want the saga to end..!

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart who play the two main characters Edward Cullen and Bella (Isabella) Swan are seen everywhere! Above are two examples where the two big magazines "Vanity Fair" and "Harpers Bazaar" have published the young acting couple on the front page of their latest December covers. The pictures that have been taken are beautiful (I saw them on the internet) so I cant wait until Ill be able to buy the magazine in the store. Talking about great publicity for the two young actors.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Salmon on a Sunday.

After an entire box of painkillers my headache has finally disappeared from my head. So I guess one could say I'm getting better. Therefore I've decided to cook one of my favourite dishes for dinner, roasted salmon in the oven, boiled potatoes, salad and a delicious lemon sauce.

I might publish the recipe later, if any of you reading this are interested then comment on this post so that you can let me know. For dessert my b-friend bought me some delicious Ben & Jerry ice cream. Anyway I better get started. See you guys later!

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Jimmy Choo for H&M.

Meanwhile I'm lying here in my bed feeling blue and being sick there are thousands of men and women out there shopping at today's special event. The launch of the new H&M collection signed by the designer Jimmy Choo.

To be honest I wasn't impressed by many pieces of the collection. Mainly because the designs could have been better but also because of the high prices (!). I mean one must not forget that it is still H&M and it seems to me that they might have gone a bit too far with the prices.

So far I have only seen two pieces that might have been interesting but like I said the high price makes me doubt even more. I would rather save my money to buy my dream bag (which I wrote about in the previous post) then spending them on a dress that might be cool to wear not but perhaps not in five years time. For those of you who managed to get to the stores, did you find what you wanted? :)

I think I got the flu.

Yesterday I woke up with such a heavy headache. The rest of my body felt fine and so I tried to avoid the pain as much as I could. It wasn't until yesterday evening I felt new pain in my entire body. My head, my jaw, my ears, my back, my legs and arms yes everything caused me pain.

I slept for like one hour last night and stayed up the rest trying to forget the pain that kept bouncing up and down in my head. Yes I took a painkiller but it didn't seem to help. At 5 AM this morning I had to phone my father and ask him for advice. After that I have stayed in bed all day long trying to rest and let my body recover from (what seems to be) the flu. I feel awful. I hate the fact that I might have got the flu.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Mulberry Bayswater.

Picture: Mulberry

Some people would describe it as the nr 1 "it-bag". Celebrities and big fashion icons such as Kate Moss, Alexa Chung and Victoria Beckham has been seen with it several times during the last couple of years. "It-bags" normally fades away after a while but the "Mulberry Bayswater" has become a bag of its time.

Personally I don't think I could get tired of it, ever. Its perfect leather, timeless design and details makes me want to wear it everyday to different kinds of outfits. The difficult decision now is what colour "oak" or "black" would you choose?

Black is classic and works with everything all year around basically. But I have always had a crush for brown clothes and accessories not to mention brown leather bags. My favourite bag in my closet is a classic monogram DKNY bag, colour? Brown of course.
While thinking about it, most of my clothes are black.. So a black Bayswater would be perfect too. Would you please help me with my dilemma? :)

Thursday, 12 November 2009

8 AM to 8 PM.

I am c o m p l e t e l y exhausted. As the title says I had to work ten hours today and believe me when I say that my entire body is hurting right now especially my feet. Therefore I haven't been able to post anything today. It's been a long day so I'm actually going to bed, I need to rest. Sweet dreams to you all

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

I ♥ NY.

Pictures: Sofis Mode (Translation: Sofi's fashion)

I envy Sofi who seems to be living a life that people like you and me only can dream about. The perfect life in NY. Above are some of her latest photos that were published on her blog today where the title says, "Follow me to my gym". I call it a dream to be able to run through central park every morning and to enjoy this beautiful view.

Busy like a bee.

I just checked my calender to get a grip of how much I'm going to work during December. With Christmas and all coming up one must start planning now in order to avoid all the stress that comes along with it and it's the same thing every year.

I have been searching for inspiration to decorate the apartment. For example I would love to have a lightning chain like this
one, from Ikea to hang above and around a mirror that I am planning on giving myself for Christmas. I know it would look beautiful in our bedroom, so I will keep you updated when I have found the perfect lightning chain. Anyway I know that I will be busy like a bee. It's worth it though considering how much I love this season ♥.

These boots are made for walking.

Picture: stylebykling

Now that I finished cleaning out my closet and have sold some of my old shoes and clothes that I haven't used in a while I felt like rewarding myself with two new pairs of shoes. The first pair are identical to the boots as seen on the picture above.

For some reason I can't connect my iPhone to my laptop so I couldn't post my own picture. Anyway I'll have to ask my b-friend when he gets home, hopefully he knows how to fix it. Back to the boots. They are super comfortable and I am so happy I found them.

There are other similar versions too, this pair from Acne is identical to mine from Scorett but they cost a lot more. So it really depends on what kind of budget you have. Here is a third alternative too, from Hope. Remember to let your feet rest from high heels, I think that my boots and converse will be the perfect treatment for my sore feet.

First post.

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