Good evening! I hope you've all had a good start of the weekend. Last night's crayfish party turned out to a huge success! I believe we were 13 guests in total during the dinner where the majority were classmates of mine. Everybody contributed in some way either by decorating, baking pies, preparing salad etc. It was a nice get-to-gether and we sang and ate so much delicious food during the evening my throat was sore before I went to bed. Most of the group went out dancing later in the evening as I decided to go home since I had to work today.
However something happened when I got home around 1 AM in the morning, suddenly I was very cold and hot at the same time and I realized that I had gotten fever chills :( So I slept very poorly last night with an awful pain in my back and head but went to work anyway this morning. I felt rather ok when I woke up but during the end of the day I felt completely exhausted. I took a warm shower as soon as I got home and ate a hot noodle soup. I had to go for a short walk afterwards to the closest grocery shop to buy myself some more painkillers for tonight and tomorrow.
Right now I'm lying in my bed, listening to soft piano music and enjoying the soft candle light from my kitchen table. Resting and trying to recover from this illness. A positive thing is about being at home is that I am able to blog and write :) A few pictures from last night will pop up any minute.
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