Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Disney Classics.

Picture: We heart it

I officially hate this awful flue/cold or whatever this is.. :( This is my fifth day I've been at home being sick. I don't remember the last time I got this type of virus in my system? Apparently my body is still completely worn out since I get dizzy every time I have to get up from the couch and my nose start to drop every time I'm up and on my feet, pretty annoying. Anyway, I guess one can just "wait" it out. I'm happy that the fever has gone down but my eyes has started itching instead and are all red :( 

*Bless you!* (I just sneezed..) Oh boy, this is so NOT fun. I mean, I was hoping that I could stay in and watch a bunch of old classic Disney movies but I can't because of my sore eyes. I watched TV all weekend and maybe it was just too much for them? My plan was to read/study a bit too but I simply haven't had the energy to lift up the book.

Maybe I should take a nap and see if I can get started later? Even though I'm pretty sure I will get even more tired after I wake up.. Oh, sorry guys for typing all this nonsense, my head is just not thinking clear right now. I'll be back later. 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Sunny Saturday.

Mood: Like an emotional roller coaster.. I blame the cold that has affected my body
Done: I managed to get my TV working!! Other than that nothing but resting
Plans: Chill out at home, rest, watch tv and bake something before M & L comes over!
Looking at: The blue sky outdoors, how nice it would be to go for a walk
Reading: Nothing at the moment, but I am hoping to study a little bit later
Drinking: A glass of Fanta Exotic - when I'm sick I allow myself whatever I want
Eating: Chips - for some reason I have this craving for salt..?
Best: My little TV and wooden bureau in the kitchen, it looks great!
Worst: Worn out body, exhausted head and a sore throat, I hate being sick..
Weather: Cool morning, now sunshine and a lot warmer outside

Puppy Eyes.

Picture: We heart it

I have written about the Cavalier King Charles before, the friendliest and most warm hearted dog there is! As I might have mentioned previously, my family and I had a Cavalier when I was 7 years old. Unfortunately we couldn't keep him since both my parents worked a lot and with three younger children they barely had no time at all for the little fellow. 

However, I did make a promise to myself that sometime after finishing my studies I would get a dog. V and I have been talking about it a lot. Luckily he is not allergic! I'm doing all that I can to try to convince him to choose this little puppy! I know he would love it as much as I would! Besides it is also said to be a very good family-dog who loves children. Might be worth considering, for who knows what may happen in the future.. :)

Februari & Fever.

Good morning dear readers, I trust you have all slept well? Unfortunately I had a rather rough night :( I woke up at 4 AM with a high fever, soar throat and an awful headache. Yesterday was the same so I guess that it's some kind of virus or cold that has entered my system. My good friend M had the same symptoms yesterday so maybe it's something that has been spread at the University? 

My dad came by my apartment yesterday, to help me build a smaller bureau that I bought from IKEA a couple of weeks ago but also to install my TV that I got for my 25th Birthday from my family. It turned out to be something wrong with my adepter/contact in the wall in my living room and therefore sadly we were not able to fulfill the last mission, such a disappointment! Hopefully I'll get help from the landlord to fix it by the beginning of next week. 

I was supposed to work this weekend but considering how I felt yesterday, last night and this morning I decided to stay home and recover. No work today nor tomorrow. It's been a few hectic weeks so this might be my body's way to say stop - enough! For this is my confession, I might have ignored signs along the way. So this weekend is going to consist of lots of resting and sleeping indoors. You may expect quite a few posts too, since I'll finally have some time to write. Next up: Breakfast!