Friday, 26 October 2012

Fantastic Friday.

Good morning people, it's finally Friday! I trust you've had a good week sofar? I've been pretty occupied as usual ^^, visited V in Stockholm for two days, worked at IKEA on Wednesday evening, lectures and preparations for next seminar and reading/studying. Guess one should be exhausted but thanks to a good night's sleep I feel all "new" and full of positive energy! Best way to start this weekend! :)

Our University is pre-celebrating Halloween this weekend with a big Halloween party tonight and tomorrow evening! There will be lots of great artists and DJ's performing and there will be awesome prices to win. My friends and I have decided to dress up like Cruella De Vil and the 101 dalmatians. Haha I'll be one of the dalmatians, dress up in black and white, black spots and a black nose to go with it ;) I'll show you guys pics later! Anyway I'm sure it will be an awesome night! 

This weekend I'll be working my first official "shift" at IKEA, pay day yesterday so I'm guessing we will have lots of visitors coming to us, yay!! Besides, they recently opened up their "Christmas section" and I haven't had the time to visit it yet but hopefully I'll be able to do so during Saturday or Sunday. It's time to get some new inspiration for this year's Christmas! I can't wait to see what they've come up with. 

Anyway time to get started with my reading before I'm off to town with the girls later this afternoon! Have a fantastic Friday dear readers! 

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