Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Fantastic February.

With a great smile I headed out earlier today for an one hour walk beneath a clear blue sky and nothing but sunshine. For it is days like today that make me long a little bit for spring/summer. I was very surprised when I only needed a warm sweater and my down vest (!) when I headed out to babysit two little youngsters. We had a great day :)

I feel as if I have so many important decisions to make very soon and they all have to do with my upcoming studies later this autumn. The latest date to apply to Swedish Universities for the fall is on the 15th of April and we have already entered February? I am honestly starting to feel a little bit panicked but I'm sure it will all turn out well.

Anyway I need a cup of tea before I head back to my literature. Sweet dreams.

1 comment:

  1. To quote Monthy Python: "Don't worry, be happy" =)

