Saturday, 29 September 2012

Red Forest.

Picture: Old one, I have it for a long time..

Rise & Shine folks! I hope you've all slept good. I woke up at 7 AM this morning, early bird only because I had to finish up with some dishes from last night. But also because I need to study, I've got my first exam for this term next Thursday. I'm getting a bit nervous but hopefully I'll do ok. 

Anyway I wish I'd been able to take a long walk in the woods instead, I've noticed that most of our green forest have turned red and guess what? I'm absolutely lovin' it ;) Hopefully we'll have a long autumn this year and a short winter. 

Today's plans are to study and meet up the girls later this afternoon as we'll be heading to a big dinner/party tonight. It's the final gathering to round up the introduction period for all the new students that have begun their studies here in Örebro in August. I'm sure it will be lots of fun! 

Right.. Back to the books now! Just thought I'd say hi and wish you all a great Saturday! 

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


It seems to me as if June, July and August just disappeared? Or perhaps it's just a sign that summer was really great! After all I spent three months in Stockholm, living together with my love V & working at Zara. Besides all work V & I had eleven wonderful days in Antibes, France where we stayed with his parents. I took so many beautiful photos, hopefully I'll have some time to create a few new collages and post them here later this week! 

However, I'm back in Örebro now as I'm typing this. Busy schedule as always with lots of new literature to read & study. I even have my first exam for this term next Thursday (!).. I'm starting to get a little bit stressed out to be honest but I'm sure it will work out just fine. Tonight we also have a big kick-off for a project I've been working with outside school since the beginning of February. I'm really excited since I've put my heart & soul into it, looking forward to see the great results tonight! 

This is all for now, I promise to get back to you either tonight or tomorrow morning. I truly have missed you guys and the blog! Hopefully I'll get back to my routines asap! Have a great Wednesday everyone!